Monday, November 17, 2008

report card

after eating endless martabak's and plopping several ferrero rochers i suddenly feel much better.Mum also already tried to cheer me up by saying "it's not that he doesn't appreciate you for what you have already achieved anak,i'm sure that he's very proud of you,he just has his own ways to show it.I've seen your report cards from your previous grades,and by what that i have seen today,i am so proud of you.I know you can do it!" So we celebrated by buying tons and tons of food and eating it at malabar,with tante seruni :)
I really dont know,either if this is one of my random moodswings or i'm just going completely mad.At first things were just fine until suddenly around 10 minutes later i was like shouting on the phone saying things like "Could you please just appreciate me a bit?aren't you proud of me?" or "Fine,i'll transfer schools or something,if that's what you really want!"
I admit that i was completely shocked when i saw that i got straight B's! (except mathi got a C,but that doesn't count ) Sure,my report card wasn't that perfect,i still have flaws in the (surprisingly) regular reportcard that we used for the national curriculum,but COME OOON! straight b's? that's total improvement from the STRAIGHT F'S and 2 E'S that i got last year!Okaaay i was expecting for a compliment ,so maybe when all i got was "you still have a lot to work on" and "i cant believe you failed this kind of subjects tiff,what have you been doing for the past 2 years??"instead of "good work,i'm so proud of you" i was flabbergasted.So if your reading this dad,i just want to say that i'm sorry.I know that every bit and detail of my report card is really important.So i'll try to be a lot better,for the sake of my future.There,i've let it all out.

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